Friday, February 01, 2019

Incredible French Onion Soup, using the instant pot

The instant pot in this dish is not so much a time saver, but more a flavor enhancer.

 - about 4 sliced onions
- 4 cups ( 1 litre) of beaf stock - I made mine from 4 heaping tsps of 'better than beef' concentrate, dissolved in 4 cups of boiling water
- 1 tsp of crushed garlic, dash of Frankies hot pepper sauce, ground pepper, table spoon of brown sugar and a bay leaf
- white wine

Saute the onions in butter in the Instant pot, till translucent .
Add wine and scrape off the brownie bits.
Add sugar, pepper garlic, beef stock and bay leaf.

Select soup/broth on the instant pot, close the pressure valve and go. Mine opted for 30 mins, but I cancelled it at 20 mins.
Lightly toast French bread slices, brushed with olive oil in the oven under broil.
Release steam from the instant pot, laddle into oven proof dishes ( I used my original French onion soup bowls), add some French toast and slather with cheese. I used shredded mozza.
Roast for a few mins in the oven.

Serve with garden salad.