Monday, February 01, 2021

January, 2021

Normally January is a month where we recover from the previous Christmas month, both physically and financially. 

Add to that it's now well into winter with snow, freezing temps and still dark most of the day.

This year January was a bit different:

  • not many festivities to recover from - none actually
  • not many bills from overspending on presents
  • warmest January on record

Still dark though.

On account of the Covid thing, still no visits for most of the month, and no shopping either. Although for the last week those restrictions relaxed a bit, so we can now visit ( 2 visitors max ) with a designated family - so we had a dinner at Alicia's. Nice to see the boys up close again.

Shops were opened as well, albeit with limited capacity. Discovered though we did not realy need anything that desperate to go stand in line for it. 

Most of the month was spend outside, walking the parks around here with the kids, as that was still allowed. At least that provided an opportunity for some pictures.