Thursday, July 01, 2021

June, 2021


June finally saw spring taking off with lots of beautiful weather. Combined with lots of watering, the flowers and veggies did take off, allowing for some cool flower pictures. All the more fun since Alfred got a new camera – Nikon Z50 – a mirrorless crop sensor camera. Love it sofar.

Other high points of the month including cleaning and launching the boat, saying goodbye to Alicia's trusted old van “Quatro” which was replaced by Cindy's van ( remember, Cindy got a new wheelchair van), a nice Father's day visit from the kids who used that time to stack some firewood, and Caleb's final schoolday.

To top things off – a picture of a famous building mural in downtown Transcona – that mural is soon to disappear because of building renovations.  

Relevant photos can be seen here.... 

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